Friday, August 2, 2013

Austenland by Shannon Hale

What do you do when fantasy eclipses your reality? Jane Hayes has wondered just that, as she goes from failed relationship to failed relationship. Her problem? No one can compare to the dashing Mr. Darcy, and Jane often spends weekends with ice cream and the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, wondering why her life was not written by Jane Austen herself.
Jane tries to keep the obsession hidden, but her great aunt discovers her infatuation, and bequeaths a paid in full vacation to an Austenland resort, where actors bring the world of Jane Austen to life. Embarassed, afraid and unsure what to do, Jane goes on the vacation, as a service to her great aunt, and as therapy for herself. By the end of the trip she vows that she will be over Darcy for good. 
During her stay, she meets many characters, and she is never quite sure when they are acting or being themselves. But can she find herself in a fantasy land? Or is Mr. Darcy a myth that she only thought she wanted?

This book was an enjoyable read. Especially for Austen fans. Jane's obsession is more extreme than I expected, but she learns a valuable lesson from her experience. In the Austen world, the fantasy is comforting to her, and she allows herself to be the Jane that she knew she could be. 
Not the usual customer, Jane stirs up the fascade of Austen's England and discovers that her great aunt may have given her the best gift she ever recieved. 
I highly recommend this novel to Jane Austen fans, and anyone who feels left out of the world for clinging to a fantasy. The fantasy may give you the freedom you need to be yourself, and you may learn that you are capable of so much more than you believe in the real world. 

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