Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

This book had a whole new twist on the myth of Persephone. Kate Winters is thrown into a world of mythology disguised by modernism, and must chose between life or death. With her mother counting down the days until she goes, Kate must learn how to cope with her passing. She arrives at her mother's hometown with no plan for the future and no way to deal with the reality she must face. She makes a few friends at her school, but her number one priority is to spend as much time with her mother as possible. Her new friend James seems to know all about her life, while her other new friend Ava appears to hate her, but forces herself to be nice. As the victim of a harsh prank, Kate witnesses Ava's death, and meets Henry, a mysterious and alluring person. He offers her a choice, Ava will not die, and he will hold Kate's mother's cancer at bay until they are ready to say goodbye. In return, she must spend six months with him and undergo a series of tests, seven in all, to prove if she is worthy to rule by his side. With the rumor that someone is trying to kill her, and the council watching her every move, Kate must decide what she wants and who she is. Is she brave enough to pass the tests and save Ava's life? Will she ever come to terms with her mother's death?
I really enjoyed reading this book. The mythology was cleverly presented, and as Kate didn't know who was a god and who was not, there was a mystery to solve. The myth of Persephone is very different from Kate's decision to spend 6 months with Henry. He doesn't kidnap her or force her to make a decision. Kate is free to leave whenever she wishes. While Kate spends time at the manor, she discovers who she is and what she wants. This is not something she bothered with while she tended to her mother. She can relate to Henry and she learns that Ava isn't as superficial as she believed her to be. This is a psychological story, where Kate slowly discovers what her personality actually is, and she begins to live, not just for her mother but for herself as well.

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